Saturday 5 November 2016

Importance of SEO in Search engine ranking

Let’s start with some history.
As we all know, Technology is burning high.90% of people in the whole world are now aware of internet and its uses. Since we started using internet as a place to collect and share information, The impact of internet and websites have emerged. People began to get connected to internet, people began to search for things they don’t know, people began to buy products by searching on Google, as well as people even began to learn from internet. This defines internet is a huge market place to update data’s or information’s to billions of people around the globe.
According to Netcraft, more than 1 billion websites are hosted till now with billions of Information. This makes Search engine giants like Google  to take strong changes in Ranking factors of websites. For this they have introduced new techniques(algorithms) to find out which website is providing fine information. Search engine ranking algorithms are those tactics which is uses by search engine to analyze website content to give proper ranking.

Why we need to get ranked in search engines?

As I said before there are 1 billion websites hosted in internet, more than 70% of people reach on these websites via search engines. When user is needed by information, they just go to search engines like Google or Bing and search for the information, Right.And the real fact is about 87% of these users clicks on 1 to 5 place ranked websites only .Sounds harsh???
I’ll make it clear,
Suppose we need to buy shoes online, what we do is, search on Google and click on first link, or maybe second or third link right? From that links itself we gets what we are looking for.That’s the power of internet. So Importance of getting ranked in search engines is very clear.
If we need good organic traffic to our website, then we need to get on the top ten of search engine ranking.

How to get ranked in search engines

In older times, getting ranked in search engines was not a big deal. But now, the things have changed. There are thousands of other websites which are giving the same information or products that you are offering. Which means competitions to get ranked in search engines is high. So now giving information about your product or services isn't enough to get ranked in Google .We must do good Seo=tactics to getting indexed by search engines.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization.
SEO is a process of taking some steps with your website to make it highly ranked in search engines. For this certain steps or strategies are carried out in website to make website search engine friendly. The key element in getting a higher page rank is link building. Building high-quality links to your website that appear natural to search engines is one and most important step towards increasing your page rank.
These tactics includes on page optimization, off page optimization, link building etc.

Why SEO is Important?

SEO make your website get indexed by search engines so they begin ranking your pages for target keywords. The higher rank in search engines you have, the more visitors (and sales) you’ll get.
So This is the importance of doing Seo for search engine ranking. Hope you all got the pack.